Demo Church

Volunteers/Leaders Course - Screening Questions

Role & Experience

As you help lead or volunteer at Demo Church it's helpful for your church to have some idea of the role you're expecting to do and what previous experience you might have.

This doesn't need to be comprehensive, as it's just meant to help your supervisors work out what level of support you might need.

Personal Disclosure

It is a requirement of Demo Church that all people in leadership roles are asked to disclose if they have ever been the subject of a formal accusation. If you haven't already disclosed a prior accusation, it is recommended you inform one of the Safe Ministry Contacts before or immediately after completing this course.

Character Referees

To help ensure everyone serving at Demo Church is appropriate to work with vulnerable people, you are asked to provide the details of two referees who can confirm your suitability.

Appropriate referees:

  • have known you for more than 6 months
  • have been in leadership over you for some time (e.g. your pastor or small group leader)
  • are not related to you (e.g. not your spouse, parent, child, cousin, aunty, etc.)

If you don't know the contact details of your referee, please get them before you do the course.

Demo Church will contact your referees to confirm they know you and that you're appropriate to serve and lead vulnerable people.

First Referee (from within Demo Church)

Your first referee should be one of your Small Group Leaders/Ministry Team Leaders/Pastors/Ministers who has known you for more than 6 months and who you are not related to.

Second Referee (from outside Demo Church)

Your second referee should be someone you are not related to from outside Demo Church; maybe someone from a previous church or from your workplace who has known you for more than 6 months.

It's a demo... don't worry about filling in the form...